
  1. 会話で学ぶ英語表現





You are at the ticket counter now.

You: One person for Boston, please.

Staff: One-way or round-trip?

You: Round-trip, please.

Staff: It’ll be 25 dollars. Do you know about the unlimited ride pass?

You: What is that?

Staff: You can ride trains as many times as you want.

You: That’s nice. But I don’t need it now. At which platform do I take the train for Boston?

Staff: At platform 6. And that’s red one.

You: What time will the next train leave?

Staff: Well, at 4:30.

You: How long will it take to get to Boston?

Staff: It takes about 40 minutes.

You: I see. Thank you.

Staff: No problem.


ticket counter:「発券カウンター」



unlimited ride pass:「無制限乗車券」

as many times as~:「~なだけ何度でも」

Here you are:「はいどうぞ」と人に何かを差し出すときに言う。


take the train:「電車に乗る」


How long will it take to~:「~までどのくらい時間がかかるでしょうか?」

No problem:「問題ない」「どういたしまして」


You are at the ticket counter now. (あなたは今切符売り場にいます。)

You: One person for Boston, please. (ボストンまで1人お願いします。)

Staff: One-way or round-trip? (片道ですか、往復ですか?)

You: Round-trip, please. (往復でお願いします。)

Staff: It’ll be 25 dollars. Do you know about the unlimited ride pass? (25ドルです。無制限乗車券のことを知っていますか?)

You: What is that? (何ですかそれ?)

Staff: You can ride trains as many times as you want. (何度でも乗りたいだけ乗れるのです。)

You: That’s nice. But I don’t need it now. At which platform do I take the train for Boston? (良いですね。でも、今は必要ないです。ボストンへ行く電車はどのプラットフォームですか?)

Staff: At platform 6. And that’s red one. (6番線です。赤い電車です。)

You: What time will the next train leave? (次の電車は何時に出発しますか?)

Staff: Well, at 4:30. (えー、4:30です。)

You: How long will it take to get to Boston? (ボストンまでどれくらい時間がかかりますか?)

Staff: It takes about 40 minutes. (40分くらいです。)

You: I see. Thank you. (わかりました。ありがとうございます。)

Staff: No problem. (どういたしまして。)




You are on the train now.

You: I always have to stand all the way.

Acquaintance: Me, too. But there is no choice. The trains are packed with commuters at this hour.

You: Yes, they sure are. We are squeezed in the train by the crowd.

Acquaintance: I can’t move my arms or legs. People are pushing me from all directions.

You: There is an old woman standing. Why don’t young people offer their seats to her?

Acquaintance: They can’t notice her.

You: Maybe they pretend they don’t notice her. Almost all of them use the cell phones.

Acquaintance: That’s bad.


have to:「~しなければならない」

all the way:「ずっと」「最後まで」


there is no choice:「仕方がない」

be packed with~:「~で一杯になる」


at this hour:「この時間帯」

they sure are:「確かにその通りだ」it sure isの複数形

be squeezed:「ぎゅうぎゅう押される」

by the crowd:「人混みに」

all directions:「あらゆる方向」




almost all of~:「~のほとんど」


You are on the train now. (あなたは今電車に乗っています。)

You: I always have to stand all the way. (いつもずっとたちっぱなしなんだ。)

Acquaintance: Me, too. But there is no choice. The trains are packed with commuters at this hour. (ぼくもだよ。でも、仕方がないね。この時間帯は通勤通学者で一杯だからね。)

You: Yes, they sure are. We are squeezed in the train by the crowd. (そうだね。人混みで電車の中はぎゅうぎゅうだね。)

Acquaintance: I can’t move my arms or legs. People are pushing me from all directions. (腕も足も動かせないよ。まわりからぎゅうぎゅう押してくるよ。)

You: There is an old woman standing. Why don’t young people offer their seats to her? (お年寄りの女性が立っている。どうして、若い人たちは彼女に席を譲らないんだろう。)

Acquaintance: They can’t notice her. (彼らは彼女に気づいていない。)

You: Maybe they pretend they don’t notice her. Almost all of them use the cell phones. (たぶん、彼らは彼女に気づかないふりをしているんだろう。彼らのほとんどは携帯電話を使っている。)

Acquaintance: That’s bad. (それはいけないね。)





